- I now have a defense date for my dissertation: October 22nd. The end is in sight.
- I’ve started a new tai chi class. While the teacher at the Y under whom I’ve been studying for about a year is quite good, the class itself was a little frustrating in that few of the other students trained out of class. As a result, the teacher spent most of his time correcting elementary form mistakes rather than moving us into deeper levels. Too, it was all form work and thus the standard wave-your-hands-around stereotype of tai chi. The new class is taught by a push-hands champ and is all martial technique. In three classes I haven’t seen a form yet but have thrown and been thrown all over the mat. I’m quite satisfied; it complements the form training quite well.
- The place where I’ve been working as a contractor has hired me full-time. This comes with a raise, benefits, and a title (I’m a vp now!). Yay, health insurance!!
Congrats on the job and the defense date!
Congratulations! VP? Awesome.
Heck with the title – congrats on the health insurance!
(The others are good too, of course.)
Congrats on the date. And yay for health insurance!
Wow, the Tai Chi class sounds amazing. Instructors who can teach Tai Chi as a martial art are few and far between; this is the part of Tai Chi that most interests me.
Me too, Toni! I think I’m quite fortunate to have found this guy.
Deo Gratias! So, is martial Tai Chi like Aikido, with graceful throws and etc.?
Good for you, Derek – on all fronts. I’ve started some qi gong myself; went to a workshop for singers and then continued with a DVD. Not the same as a class, but it works!
You can use that tai chi in your dissertation defense.