Lent and a Trial Liturgy

I’m not doing much this Lent. My work schedule is so involved and I’m getting so little sleep that I think any sort of physical ascesis might lead to health problems. I’m abstaining from meat on Fridays but that’s about it in that department.

Instead, I’m recommitting to good habits–some that had fallen by the wayside.

First, I recommitted to doing the Office as much as possible including saying Compline with M when my work schedule allows (i.e., the nights when I *don’t* end my shift at midnight).

Second, I recommitted to memorizing and mulling over the weekly collects.

Third, I decided to memorize the seven penitential psalms, taking one a week or so.

Two and three are going well; one is difficult as a function of time with the Office Book. I do have time–it’s during my commute which is more by car these days than mass transit and I’m not going to try and read while I’m driving in this town! While the Brief Devotions in the BCP are ok for bedtime prayers with G and H, I can’t see the morning one as a substitute for MP. Thus, I’ve been trying to work up a fully memorizable Anglican Lauds for the mornings when I can’t get to the prayer book. Here’s the pattern as it currently stands:

Opening Versicles

Ps 51

Little Chapter [Seasonal]

Hymn [Seasonal]


Pater Noster

Collect of the Day

Closing Versicles

Those familiar with the Anglican Breviary will recognize the ordo as a stripped-down version of Lauds 2 straight from there. I invite any interested to give it a try and let me know how it goes. Note that it can be used as a supplement in addition to MP as well as a replacement for it. Let me know what you think…

9 thoughts on “Lent and a Trial Liturgy

  1. Annie

    Not that it would help with 2 and 3, but when you can’t get to the prayer book, what about MP3s? Uhmmmmm . . . an IPOD?

  2. bls

    Well, you’ve got it there. I sing that little service every day (almost).

    Good idea about picking one Psalm to memorize, though – 51 for Lent, for example. I’m still doing the driving-while-chanting thing, going through the Psalter, but my commute is much shorter now so I can only do one Psalm at most anyway. I think I’ll try that – and maybe work up a set of Psalms for every season for this purpose?

    I’m reading the Old Testament in EFM this year, so I figure that’s enough for daily Bible…. ;-D

    (Just finished Judges; never read that one all the way through before.)

  3. Derek the Ænglican

    Annie–everytime I start saving up loose cash for an ipod it somehow gets spent on books… ;-)

    bls, Ps 51 is the invariable psalm for Lauds 2 (the penitential form of the Office). Another good alternative would be Ps 67 which Benedict used to kick off the Office. Speaking of–and wanting more psalms, the perfectchoice would be Pss 148-150 which is the collection of psalms from which the Office received its name (they all start with “Laudate”).

    Thanks, Fogey!

  4. Derek the Ænglican

    Actually, had anybody looked? Is anyone out there doing Office podcasts yet?

  5. Caelius

    I found three on iTunes. I’ll check them out after I actually pray Morning Prayer.

  6. Caelius

    1. Rev. Dr. Chip Lee, the Rector of St. Matthew’s EC, somewhere in Garrett County, MD, provides a nice said Rite II Morning Prayer backed by light “World music.” It’s up to date, so he probably does it most days.

    2. St. Luke’s Reformed Episcopal Church provides the REC Office (both Morning and Evening), very similar (or identical) to 1789/1892/1928 BCP. It’s also up to date, since it’s Ember Saturday today. The Lectionary may throw you off. The presider has a nice voice, except he says, “errrr” as opposed to “air” for “err.”

    3. The Diocese of St. Cuthbert provides a said Rite II (I guess they didn’t split over the Prayer Book), read by a New Englander of Irish extraction.

    4. Rev. Brenda Moore has a “morningprayer’s Podcast,” which has an unbacked said Rite II.

    5. Rev. Stephen B. Ball OSL provides the Daily Office according to the use of the Order of St. Luke. (They are a dispersed order of High Church Methodists, apparently, but Ball also serves at a Baptist church) You might like this podcast if you like to hear someone responding to the officiant, if you like CCM in worship, or if you like inclusive language. There is backing of some sort, too.

    6. Father Gary Strubel, Vicar of All Saints, Hoosick, provides “The All Saints Prayer Service,” which updates only on Sundays but is a said Rite II. There are some NPRish interludes but no backing.

    Some of these podcasts can be found in places other than iTunes. A quick google of names should get you there.

  7. Annie

    An IPOD is on my wishlist, too.

    Technically, a computer could be used in a car, too.

  8. bls

    Here’s something I found by Googling. Seems to be a directory of some sort.

    I’m trying to think, Derek, if the convent changes the Psalms during Lent; I don’t think they do, in fact. The invariants at Lauds are Ps. 63 & 67, and 148-150, which are all said every morning of the year, except for on Christmas Day and probably a few other major feasts.

    But I was thinking, anyway, of this kind of mini-Lauds service. Wouldn’t it be good to have a Psalm for each season of the year so that when you miss the full version, you’d be able to sing that particular Psalm from memory?

    BTW, check out my post from today – I found something really great online: a book of ancient hymns for Divine Office. No music, just the words – but that’s just what I’ve been looking for. Wouldn’t it be great to put these things to music and publish them?

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