4 thoughts on “Chant Resource Page

  1. Chris T.

    I had one other question about this — have you seen any resources for chanting Matins online? I’m interested in adapting some of the most frequently-used antiphons and so forth for use with the AB or Monastic Matins (once it’s reprinted), but I haven’t seen anything online. I’m not even sure what I would be looking for, as all the Antiphonales I’ve seen are just the day hours.

  2. Derek the Ænglican

    Chris T. Check out the new addition, Music of the Sarum Office. It’s incomplete but does have some Matins material. Otherwise I haven’t found much. (any)

    LP, yeah, the font is awfully small. I haven’t fiddled with the css yet.

  3. Chris T.

    Ooh, that looks like plenty to get me started. Once I get back from France and have access to more of my books, I’ll see what I can do with it.

    I’ve also ordered the Nocturnale Romanum from Germany, ill-considered as that purchase might be. :-)

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