Announcement #1: SCLM

Word has officially gone out at the Cafe and over at ENS about the new line-up for the Standing Commissions and the Joint Standing Committees of the General Convention/Episcopal Church.

Thanks to nominations from some of you, I have been invited to serve for the next two triennia on the Standing Commission for Liturgy & Music.

I look forward to serving, and am committed to providing a perspective that is grounded in an appreciation for the Catholic and Anglican roots of the prayer book and is directed towards a classic spirituality to nurture discipleship for a 21st century world.

14 thoughts on “Announcement #1: SCLM

  1. The Rev'd M. Edwin Beckham

    Just saw this morning, Derek, and offered up a little solo TBTG in my morning prayers. Good on ya, and so glad to have someone of your scholarship & caliber & ‘bent’ serving the Church in this capacity, especially as Prayer Book revision begins to be hinted at (per Bp. Alexander at our Presbyters’ Conf. Tuesday). -Edwin+ (DioATL)

  2. David Glaser

    Congratulations! Thanks for agreeing to serve.

    Peace, Fr. David Glaser

    St Barnabas Chelsea 734.649.9146 mobile

    A Church that wants to transform society cannot be shy about asking its members to be transformed.

  3. Scott Knitter

    Very good news, Derek! Congratulations! I can’t imagine a better-informed, more thoughtful person to serve the Church on that standing commission. Thank you in advance for your service!

  4. John-Julian, OJN

    God is good (to the Episcopal Church). What glorious news!
    Finally, someone well-equipped with liturgical scrub brush, mop, broom, and dustpan—to go in and clean up the bloody HWHM.
    Every good wish—and we all depend on you!

  5. mcdoc

    Congratulations! You are a wonderful invitee for the SCLM to bring depth and rootedness.

  6. Patrick C.

    Excellent.! Coincidentally, my rector has just substituted “God is mercy” for “Lord have mercy” (as implying God might not be merciful…) in the prayers of the people. Is this a church-endorsed liturgical change? The rationale rests on a misunderstanding, surely. I would appreciate better guidelines on this kind of experimentation.

  7. Curmodgeonly Archdeacon

    Patrick raises a good point. I believe there are guidelines on this sort of stuff, but it appears that either they are ingored (the most probable explanation) or they are not enforced (come to think of it, that is equally probable).

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