And the Lord did Grin…

Things may be looking for us. After, what, four years or so of bad hands…

  • M got some great news today. Hopefully more later as things develop.
  • Fr. Director has confirmed that I have a full draft of the diss. Of course, it’s still needs quite a bit of work, but a full draft is a Good Thing.
  • The foot progresses. This week I took my first shower since February 9th… The picc line is out, I can walk fairly well and the doctor is planning to stop the oral antibiotics in a few weeks. It’s still a bit swollen and normally hurts by evening, but this is a lot better than it has been.

On the other hand…

  • I imagine most people have seen the Seabury-Western news. S-W isn’t the only one in these straits. There’s a reason why an almost PhD in New Testament and homiletics is boning up on Linux and SQL books…

4 thoughts on “And the Lord did Grin…

  1. Christopher


    Look forward to more good news, and prayers continue. Being a jack-of-many-trades is something for which many of us are having to prepare.

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