Daily Archives: January 28, 2008

Random Bullets of Aliveness

  • Yes, I’m still alive. Barely. But I’m buried under a mound of crap.
  • I did finally send off one thing that should have been done a month ago. It’s a project M and I are doing together. More on that one later, perhaps.
  • I have 217 feeds waiting for me in Bloglines. That means y’all are still alive and writing. Good news, but I fear they’ll continue to pile up for a while. I may be mostly away until the end of Lent or so.
  • I do have something in the works for the Cafe so I’ll still be marginally about.
  • Thomas, I fear I don’t have any other good recommendations on Anglican lectionaries. There are a few historical works out there on the BCP but they seem few and far between. The only two things in my library that are even close to the topic are Marion Hatchett’s Commentary on the Prayerbook and Martin Dudley’s The Collect in Anglican Liturgy: Texts and Sources 1549-1989. Christopher, M, or others may be able to point you to some other, better stuff. The single most instructive thing I’ve found to do is to peruse Chad Wohler’s amazing BCP site and to print out various liturgies/tables/etc. and to study them in parallel.
  • Lil’ H is no longer wandering the halls at night and—for the moment at least—has stopped stripping off her diaper at night. Instead, she and Lil’ G are bunking down together—at Lil’ G’s insistence. As the big sister, G sleeps on the outside so H can’t roll out…
  • Enough procrastinating–back to work. Y’all take care of the Anglican Communion while I’m away, ya hear?