Category Archives: Spirituality

More on the Saints:HWHM

There’s more discussion emerging on the blogs about the proposed replacement for Lesser Feasts & FastsHoly Women, Holy Men.

Christopher’s latest post points to both Mark Harris and Dan Martins and their debate on the issue. I made some initial comments on it here. Too, I had this work much on my mind when I wrote my recent post on the saints for the Episcopal Cafe. In that post I talked two issues primarily. The first—on whether saints needed to be baptized and conscious followers of Jesus—was directed toward Donald Schell’s previous posts. The second—on the meaning of sanctity itself and the notion of eschatological power—was directed as much if not more to the issues raised by HWHM than to Donald.

I’ve been wrestling much with this issue. The that end, I’ll tak out some of my concerns as as we move forward.

First, what are the directly theological consequences?: I’m concerned about what this document says about how we consider the dead. Do we simply have the dead we remember, the dead we emuylate, or do we still believe in the Blessed Dead? The question is equal parts Christology, ecclesiaology and pneumatology. Are those who sleep in Christ still active on our behalf or can they function and assist us only as we remember them and their deeds? Out of curiosity, I looked at one of the “new” feasts—the re-inclusion of St Cecilia—and the collects appointed. The Tridentine and Anglican Missal collects are functionally the same:

O GOD, which makest us glad with the yearly
festival of blessed Cecilia thy Virgin and
Martyr : grant, we beseech thee ; that as we do
venerate her in our outward office, so we may follow
the example of her godly conversation. Through.

A few notes… First, despite some protestant concerns, the prayer is not directed to the saint but to God. However, it does note that we “venerate” her as well as “follow the example of her godly conversation (piae conversationis; ‘godly life’ works too…)” Furthermore, the collect offers two reasons why we venerate her: she was a virgin who dedicated her life to the service of God rather then men (literally); she was a martyr who took the faith seriously enough that she died for it.

Now the new collect:

Most gracious God, whose blessed martyr Cecilia didst sing in her heart to strengthen her
witness to thee: We thank thee for the makers of music whom thou hast gifted with
Pentecostal fire; and we pray that we may join with them in creation’s song of praise until
at the last, with Cecelia and all thy saints, we come to share in the song of those
redeemed by our Savior Jesus Christ; who with thee and the Holy Spirit livest and
reignest, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

A quite different collect with a different emphasis and theology. “Martyr” remained in (I’m pleasantly surprised…), “Virgin” did not (no surprise). The heart of the collect, though, is to use Cecilia as a particular example of a general group: “the makers of music”. The collect is really about these and not Cecilia. No veneration, no example, rather a hope that we join with makers of music now and “at the last”.

Skipping down a couple of days to St John of the Cross (I don’t understand Friar John’s compaint—this date is the Tridentine one) we see a similar thing. Here’s the old collect:

O GOD, who didst give to thy blessed Confessor
Saint John, grace to shew forth a singular
love of perfect self-denial and of carrying thy
Cross : grant, we beseech thee ; that we, cleaving
steadfastly to his pattern, may attain to everlasting
glory. Through.

And now the new:

Judge eternal, throned in splendor, who gavest Juan de la Cruz strength of purpose and
mystical faith that sustained him even through the dark night of the soul: Shed thy light
on all who love thee, in unity with Jesus Christ our Savior; who with thee and the Holy
Spirit livest and reignest, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Once again, Juan de la Cruz becomes a particular example of a general group (“all who love thee”) and neither his intercessions nor example are asked for us.

To summarize: In these collects selected at random there’s no intercession and even the idea of following the saint’s example is not explicit. Rather, the saints are particular instances of a general group upon whom we ask God’s favor. Thus, the saints are not isolated as examples but highlighted as specific instances of general groups.

Second, what is the direct liturgical effect of these additions?: The sanctoral cycle, its size and scope, has always been an issue in Christian liturgy. Saints continue to be made in every age. As a result, the ever-growing company constantly impacts our celebrations and meditations upon the temporal cycle. The Reformation answer was clear and reflected a backlash against the late medieval cult of the saints. In most places they were abolished entirely in others, cut back severely. However, moves like this had already been afoot in the Roman church. The principle of local kalendars had always ensured that local folks were venerated and certain unconnected foreigners were always dropped or lowered in rank. Too, at every major Roman liturgical change—starting at Trent— the sanctoral has been pruned back, most recently at Vatican II.

One of the ways that the growth of the Sanctorale was managed was by using ranks. Some saints were doubles having certain liturgical implications, others were semis or simples, having other and lesser liturgical implications. Practically, this meant that saints could be added or retained and the greater shape of the Temporale would be less severly impacted. That’s not the case in HWHM, however; we have egalitarian sanctity:

Other provinces of the Anglican Communion have gone to laddered options within their calendars – Red Letter days, Black Letter days, and collects referred to common propers. For nearly half a century our pattern has been one of more equality, with collects and propers for all. We did not presume to break this Church’s traditional pattern.

and also:

8. Levels of Commemoration: Principal Feasts, Sundays and Holy Days have primacy of place in the Church’s liturgical observance. It does not seem appropriate to distinguish between the various other commemorations by regarding some as having either a greater or a lesser claim on our observance of them. Each commemoration should be given equal weight as far as the provision of liturgical propers is concerned (including the listing of three lessons).

One of the reasons why Cranmer cut back the Sanctorale was because it so greatly complicated the praying of offices and masses. You had to work out the liturgical calculus as to what bits to use for which folks on which days—especially if there were occurrence or concurrence issues.

Well, with this multiplication of the Sanctorale those begin coming back, except without the range of options for handling them. How are we supposed to use and celebrate these saints? It’s not clear and the book doesn’t give us guidance. I’ve always argued that, following the Cranmerian path, the biblical lessons provided are to be used at masses, not offices. Anything else breaks too severely the Daily Office lectionary’s (already abbreviated) pattern. Using these as office readings would destroy it entirely. I argue, therefore, that the collects alone be used in the Office and sometimes even as commemorations as occasions warrant (i.e., an additional collect after the Collect of the Day).

Third, are we venerating those who we believe are in the Church Triumphant, the company of the Blessed Dead, or are we remembering famous (or “oughta-be” famous) Christians?: I won’t say much more on this but to refer you back to my Cafe post.

Fourth, where are the Martyrs?: As Christopher notes, “the major lay category is now ‘Prophetic Witness'”. This concerns me because historically the largest lay category has been the Martyrs. A church that honors and remembers the martyrs is a church that remembers that its faith is both serious and sacred. Our ancestors died for it. They gave themselves to the flames, the sword, and the lions rather than desert it or alter its essences. How seriously do we take it? How willing are we to change it and, if change it we do, do we hold trust with the blood that has been shed in its defense?

To put a finer point on it, what doe s it say about the aims and theologies of our church where “prophetic witnesses” are multiplied—that a central function of the church is to change society, especially through its external fabric (laws, policies, etc.).  I don’t disagree that this is a task of the church, to serve as the conscience of a society, but I see an insidious either/or that equates holy change with political action. To get all H. Richard Neibuhr on it, it would seem that the dominant paradigm is “Christ transforming culture” and that it occurs pre-eminently on the political level.

I’d remind us that the transformation of Roman society was not begun, supported nor achieved through primarily political means. The martyrs, their witness, their fidelity also transformed it profoundly. Tertullian is correct: “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church”.

Fifth, What is a Prayer Book Catholic to do?: I’m not happy. With all due respect to those assembled in this resource, I don’t believe that all of them are members of the Church Triumphant. Furthermore, I don’t believe that these collects direct us appropriately to the life in Christ as the Western Historical Liturgy has traditionally done.  My “Prayer Book” and my “Catholic” are in conflict. That is, as a “Prayer Book” Anglican I confess that our current authorized prayer book really does stand in continuity with and participates in an authentic and legitimate expression of the  Historic Liturgy  of the West. I have real doubts about this supplement, though, and its implementation of both the historic liturgy and the catholic faith. On one level, it’s really not a problem. Looking at the prayer book itself, all of these observances fall into kalendar section 5: “optional observances”. IOW, we’re allowed to pick and choose. This makes my “Prayer Book” happy. But it doesn’t make my “Catholic” happy.

I’m considering  retaining all official Prayer Book feasts and observing the Roman Universal kalendar as my category 5.

On the Saints

I’ve got a piece up at the Cafe responding to Donald’s pieces on the saints. Clearly the saints are an topic where there is a lot of latitude with Anglicanism. I don’t think polemics are the way to go here and as a result my article takes an irenic tone and strives to show how the a proper theology of saints is rooted in Christology and ecclesiology.

Baptism is at issue here. There have been and are lots of wonderful people in the world worthy of emulation. But, as I’ve been taught it, being baptized and choosing to conform to Christ (rather than general principles of goodness) lie at the heart of Christian sanctity.

Provisional Explanations: the Purpose and Effects of Liturgy

The thread below has turned to the purpose of worship and especially frequent reception of the Eucharist—what’s it all for anyways?

To push the discussion along, I thought I’d post something that I’m doing elsewhere that connects to part of this question. That is, it fusses with worship and liturgy, but not necessarily the Sacraments. Yet. So, critique away…

The Purpose of Liturgy

Worship grounds our experience of the life hid with Christ in God.

Q. What is corporate worship?
A. In corporate worship, we unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments.
BCP, p. 857

Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of Almighty God our heavenly Father,

    to render thanks for the great benefits we have received at his hands,
    to set forth his most worthy praise,
    to hear his holy Word,
    and to ask, for ourselves and on behalf of others, those things that are necessary for our life and our salvation.

BCP, Morning Prayer: Rite I, p. 41

Our Life and Salvation

Salvation and the embrace of the kingdom of God is at the heart of the Christian life and experience. But how do we define “salvation”? All too often, it seems, our culture tends to equate Christian salvation with “going to heaven”. While this answer is not completely wrong, neither is it right and in choosing to answer this way, perhaps the most important facets of Christian salvation are lost.

What does it mean to be saved?

In the New Testament, one of the words most commonly used to discuss the Christian end/goal is the word “abide”. The Gospel and Letters of John in particular use it, but it is found throughout the rest of the New Testament too. To abide, we in him and he in us.

The way St Paul phrases it in Colossians has especially captured my mind and heart. Speaking of Baptism, he writes, “For you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” (Col 3:4).

This is what it means to be “saved”—to be hid with Christ in God. To be invited, through Baptism, to participate in the very life of God, to abide in and with the mystery of love who abides at the heart of creation, who loves each of us individual, who cares enough to take on our frail flesh, live and give his very life for each one of us. The abiding happens once we shuffle off this mortal coil—and in that sense I’ll agree that salvation is connected to “heaven”, the abode (hey, there’s that word ‘abide’ again…”) of God “after we die”. But more important is the invitation into God’s own life.

It doesn’t start once we’re dead.

It starts here. Now. We get to live it. Here. Now. Waiting ’til you’re dead means missing God’s party here and now.


Christian worship—Christian liturgy—is one of the ways that we open ourselves to the mystery of what this abiding/hiding means.

You see, I can’t really explain what it means to be “hid with Christ in God”. Words fail me. And that’s ok. Christian worship—when done well and with full, intentional engagement—is one of our great clues to teach us, to show us, to connect us to what it means to be hid with Christ in God.

Worship gives us the experiences, the sounds, smells, and tastes that we use to recognize, to remember, and to enact our on-going relationship with God when we’re outside of worship as well. It’s like an answer key that gets tattooed into our movements and feelings as well as our thoughts that help us decode the crazy world we find ourselves in—and to find even in the midst of it all the compassion, the love, of the God who created it all, who loves it all, and who waits for us to embrace our life in him.

The Effects of the Liturgy

Worship is habit-forming: it directs our affections and creates an ethos.

Worship is habit-forming…

Note, first, the choice of the verb: is. I’m not saying that it can be, that it may be, or that it should be habit-forming. It is habit-forming. Whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, it simply is the case. Whether it’s sublime, inspiring, energizing, mediocre or down-right poor, the worship we experience will shape how we understand and experience the Christian faith. And let’s face it: there’s a lot of mediocrity out there. I can’t help but think that it has an effect on our churches and on our lives.

So if worship is going to form and shape us, we as active Christians need to 1) be informed about what the liturgy is, 2) where it came from and 3) be aware of how it shapes us. From a big pictureperspective, I’m going to identify the how under two major concepts: Affections and Ethos.

The Religious Affections

“Affections” isn’t a word we hear a lot, especially in the sense in which I’m using it. Thus, it requires a bit of explanation.

Religious language is often feeling language. We use emotional language to talk about our relationship with God and one another. Even our main virtues like “love” and “hope” have a feeling nature to them. And yet, emotions tend to be both spontaneous and transitory things. Love wells up, hope springs new—but then they go away again. Or, anger springs up in us, often unbidden.

Using the term “affections” is a way to talk about attitudes, orientations, ways of being in the world that relate to emotion or emotional states but are broader and deeper than the transitory surface feelings that we might have. Affections are complex constellations of feelings and thoughts that seek to pattern our lives and train us in certain actions.

Thus when Christians use words like “faith”, “hope”, “love”, “joy”, “expectation”, “penitence” we’re not just talking about emotions that may come or not come—we’re talking about affections. About ways of being undergirded by rational thought that shape how we act.

When affections and emotions get confused,we can start haviung problems. Worship can be seen as a means of manipulating emotions—whether through inculcating fear or else passing off a false fleeting joy as “real” Christian emotion. Both of these emotional extremes distort the message of love, hope, and joy in the Gospel and cause more harm than good.

The historic liturgy of the Church seeks to pattern people into the affections. This occurs preeminently through the seasons of the Church Year. I’ll say more about this later when I discuss the Church Year, but the major seasons show us the shapes and boundaries of the affections and help us try them on, make them part of our habits of living.

Instilling an Ethos

Where we participate in corporate worship has a major effect on our experience of the Christian life with God and thus shapes our theology and spirituality.

The ethos or “character” of a place is a combination of factors. It seems to me that a classic description of the English Anglo-Catholic stronghold, All Saints Margaret Street is one attempt to define a community’s ethos:

Music by Mozart, Decor by Comper; Choreography by Fortescue; but, my dear boy, libretto by Cranmer.

It’s fair to say that an ethos is a combination of:

  • Architecture
  • Music
  • Ceremonial
  • Liturgy
  • Decoration
  • Attitude and Execution of the Liturgy by the Clergy
  • Attitude and Execution of the Liturgy by the Congregation

The last two cannot be overlooked. Reverent, pompous, attentive, energetic, bored, sloppy: it’s remarkable how one community can project a completely different ethos from another even when many of the other elements are the same.

After hearing and participating in “worship wars” for well over a decade, I’ve come to the conclusion that most conflict is about ethos. Such discussions often fail by being too narrowly focused. That is, people argue over music, liturgy, and ceremonial. But more often I think what they really intend is the over-all package and the elements don’t—and can’t—create the whole ethos.


Today when I dashed into the gym for a lunch-hour session with the weights, the login kiosk greeted me with a virtual banner and balloons for reaching a certain number of points for the month.

One of the things that M and I like about our local Y is that the machines in the workout room are hooked into the FitLinxx system that tracks how long, how far, how heavy, etc. Furthermore, when you’re at home you can log in and add other activities. So, when I run outside, I can go and put it in manually.

In recent days, I’ve been working on really embracing this system, and being dutiful about logging my out-of-gym workouts. I find that doing so actually helps me to be more diligent about getting up and doing my tai chi in the morning. The more intentional I am about logging, the more intentional I am about doing, therefore the sooner I accumulate points and, voila, virtual banner and balloons…

So, I found myself thinking tongue-in-cheek, why not a SpirituaLixx? You know, you log your Morning and Evening Offices, your mid-day rosaries and mass attendence. It in, return, keeps you abreast of which collects to use, what Holy Days of Expectation are coming, and—when you acheive your target goals—presents you with suitably ironic icons, medals, statues, and plenary indulgences…

Brief Reading List for Anglican Laity

There was Discussion below on a reading list for clergy. I thought that it would be fitting to begin where it’s most proper—a brief recommended reading list for laity.

Bible, BCP, and Hymnal go without saying…


1. Augustine, Enchiridion

2. Luther’s Large & Small Catechisms

3. Athanasius, On the Incarnation

4. The Rule of St. Benedict

5. Michael Ramsey, The Anglican Spirit

6. Luke Johnson, The Creed

7. Martin Thorton, Christian Proficiency

8. Luke Johnson, Living Jesus

9. Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline

Most of these are pretty self-explanatory. Of the modern works, the Ramsey and the Thorton give the primary introductions to Anglican thought and Spirituality; the Johnson books are the best I know at laying out biblical Christology and the creedal core of the catholic faith that fall neither into scepticism (a la Borg and Crossan) or fundamentalism. The Foster has a tendency to get protestant, but is a good introduction to the basic Christian disciplines.

Confirmation and Catechesis

There have been discussions recently—here on the site, at home, around the diocese—concerning Confirmation, especially as found within the ’79 BCP.

I’d summarize the standard Western view as “confirmation completes Baptism.”

M’s response, and that of others, is that in the ’79 BCP Baptism doesn’t need completing; it’s already a complete act in and of itself. If this is the case, then it completely changes many of the assumptions that we’ve held about the nature and timing of Confirmation.

  • Reception of the Eucharist is not dependent upon Confirmation: I note that this seems to me to be a bit of Eastern influence, especially as they commune after Baptism as well (I’m thinking particularly small children here). Is there an Eastern corollary to Confirmation? I’m ignorant…
  • Esp. if Reception is not an issues, what about age?: M and I emphatically agree that Confirmation is not a rite of passage based on age. Yes, bar/bat mitzvahs are and they did evolve out of catholic Confirmation practices—but that doesn’t mean that Confirmation is or should be a rite of passage. We also agree that Confirmation is about a “mature public affirmation” of faith. Mature is not 10. Or even 15. We’re thinking that 20’s and 30’s is when “mature” really starts to hit.
  • Catechesis: What’s appropriate and proper? This is where I see the ideal of a 3 year catechumenate making some connection with our context. Not three years, but a decent enough amount of time to give a person a suitable grounding in the faith
  • Sacramental Status: If Baptism is completed in Baptism—which appears to be a clear departure from the current Roman Catholic catechism (“the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace”) does Confirmation remain a Sacrament or sacramental rite? Is there an indelible spiritual mark (section 1304) impressed at Confirmation? Despite the place and authority of the current Roman Catechism, it seems to me there’s quite a bit of waffling going on in this text itself due to both the issues raised by the Liturgical Renewal and the inclusion of non-Latin Rite Christians within the papal fold…

What do you think?

Canticles. Again.

I keep going back and forth on the whole canticle issue. Deirdre has a nice article at the Cafe that looks at the Song of Judith and reminds us that when singing the canticles, it’s important to learn the stories from whence they come. That is, the canticle means a lot more when you consider its proper context and how it portrays God acting through Judith.

I note (indirectly) in the comments that the Song of Judith is one of the new canticles given us by EOW. I’ve discussed these in the past—especially with Christopher—concerning whether more canticles is a better choice. Following Deirdre’s logic, more is better because we get exposed to more songs that have literary contexts that folks may then be interested to go and learn. More Bible is always good.

My fear is that more canticles mean that we we don’t learn any of them well. In order for more canticles to be better they have to be sung/read regularly and in a discernable order.

I’m also a complete stick in the mud and refuse to budge on the Benedictus (Song of Zechariah) as the invariable second canticle of morning prayer which means that there’s really only one free spot in the rotation—the canticle after the first MP reading.

Ack! Fewer, more, what’s a liturgy geek committed to Scripture to do! Perhaps the Benedictine option is the best—weave more canticles in amongst the Psalter…

Annunciation MP

Since I’ve been using Rite II for the Daily Office during Lent and wanted to kick things up a notch today, I used a catholic-minded Rite II resource—A Monastic Breviary from the Order of the Holy Cross. (Thanks again, Brian M!)

One of the things that sets this book apart from other non-Roman breviaries is that it uses fixed psalms on first class feasts and provides 5 antiphons for first class feasts and an antiphon for second class. So MP today had Pss 24, 29, 72, 93, 100 with proper antiphons. It also provides a hymn (which I recognized as one of the traditional Marian breviary hymns but I’ve been too busy/lazy to look up its Latin title) and a gospel antiphon—this one drawn directly from Scripture.

It’s a nice balance, contemporary and catholic.

Ascetical Theology Bleg

A comrade has asked for recommendations for modern authors on ascetical theology. Unfortunately, I couldn’t point him to much…

I’m woefully lacking in modern bibliography in this area. The best I could do was to suggest modern translations of Evagrius and John Cassian and suggest that those who study these authors might cite some useful material.

Because of the place of virtue in ascetical theology, though, I was thinking some of the recent works on virtue ethics (perhaps along the line of Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue) might be helpful.

Does anybody have some other suggestions?

Islands through the Net

I’ve been pondering recently the technological aspects of culture change and how they relate to Christian community and life.

I’m, frankly, confused by the notion of “emergent” or “emerging.” I get that it’s a new way of doing things and ordering of common life, a way of presenting the riches of our spiritual tradition without the “baggage” of our institutions. I do wonder, however, how much of this “baggage” is connected into truths of incarnation that may in fact be necessary evils that warn us against an idea, any plan, any approach to spirituality that attempts an end-around that avoids the messiness and sin that accompanies embodied reality.

Is there really more to the “emergent” thing than creating a more informal environment and being more loosely tied to denominational structures?

Furthermore—on a related but different note—to what degree are internet connections capable of being “communities of formation”?

As I consider the pull that keeps moving me toward a more monastic way of living I wonder and weigh the benefits of various options. I was impressed by the offering at the Daily Episcopalian today and note that they are by the co-founder of the Community of Solitude, a group I’ve never heard of before. On one hand, they seem like something I’m looking for as I have an interest and a love for the spirituality and practices that guide them. And yet…

I’ve never quite been able to wrap my mind around St. Oswald, sometime bishop of Worcester and the third of the reforming bishops of the Benedictine Revival. If I recall correctly he did spend some time in a monastic community on the Continent but when he was in England at points I recall reading that he was a monk by himself.

How can that be?

I know what a hermit is, what an anchorite is, but this notion of being a monk by yourself seems different somehow…

Can a scattered community be, through harnessing of the internet, cohesive enough to provide a community of formation? I’m not sure.  Part of it may require an unpacking of this phrase I’ve created… for in my mind the heart of a community of formation is observing the examples of the practices of others. Cassian—and St Antony as presented by Cassian—put quite a bit of emphasis on the observation and imitation of others. Can this part of the formation process occur without incarnate, communal, intentional living? I don’t know…

Or is the oblate path the stronger method—associates in the world tied to a smaller group of professed religious who provide incarnate examples by whom the oblates can be refershed on a regular basis? Certainly this is the more classical model, and the one embraced by many Benedictines, the Julians, and the Order of the Holy Cross.

What do you think—what are the requirements for communities of formation in our brave new digital world?