Monthly Archives: June 2007

Caught Out of Time

This is partially in response to Lee who has a really good one up today…

M and I have often had conversations about feeling that we weren’t born at quite the right time in history, almost as if we really should have been born at some other time but ended up now by mistake… Well, here’s the theme song for that particular feeling.

For the Person Searching for Goth Liturgy…

Check out the Sanctorum Mass at Church of the Apostles in Seattle if you haven’t already done so. Church of the Apostles is an Emergent experiment staffed by both ELCA Lutheran and Episcopal clergy.

I linked to this a while back and noted that I had a friend in the Seattle area who had a Skinny Puppy collection rivaling LutherPunk’s and that I’d ask him if he’d heard of it. No need to—he’s the priest who leads it… :-D

(…and yes, I’ve received several click-throughs on various days for ‘goth liturgy’ Google searches…)