Category Archives: Administrative

Life Moving into High Gear

Things are heating up and hard deadlines with very short turnaround times are appearing for both the dissertation and a major work-related side-project. Time and resources will be sucked up by those rather than other endeavors (I spent last night wrestling with web server configuration rather than psalm pointing comparisons–same level of geekiness, just different fields…) As I threatened before, pieces will still appear at the Episcopal Cafe but I will be posting less here and commenting less as well.

The Anglican soap opera will have to manage without me for a while…

As a parting gift, though, I commend to those interested–especially the Anglican Breviary crowd–this four-volume translation of the pre-Pian Roman breviary:
I’d love to compare it to the AB but that’s a project that–well–I don’t have time for at the moment…

(h/t the Breviary page at Wikipedia which has a great collection of links at the bottom)

Dissertation Lock-down

I met with the department yesterday and laid out my plan for completing the dissertation… I have a stretch of roughly 20 weeks this summer between semesters and that’s when it needs to happen. As a result blogging will slow–or at least will take a noticeably 10th century turn.

I have to get through grading and I do hope to put out the promised trial liturgy page (…and my entry for the Common Prayer carnival…and the carnival itself…), but then all spare brain cycles will be devoted to the dissertation.

Things will also continue to appear at the Episcopal Cafe. In fact, there’s one over there now

Welcome to the New Digs

This is the new web home of haligweorc.

There will be a few more changes coming in the near future. All good as far as I know…

We did loose a post or two and a few comments but other than that, everything else seems to have made the change fairly well.

I’m hoping to have left some baggage behind at the old site. Much less will be written about the Great Unpleasantness; much more will be written about things spiritual and medieval. Hopefully much more will be written of and therefore on the Damn Dissertation. Time will tell…

More on Change

Change is good–when it works.

One of the reasons there have been no posts recently is because the email-publishing thing is not working for some reason…

Furthermore–the template is still in flux; I’m deciding what I like…

More substance later.

Change is…Change

I just switched to the new Blogger. It looks like it blew away a lot of my comments…

I’m not yet thrilled…

Update: Oh wait, they’re back now. That inspires so much confidence in me…

Further Update: Yeah, I changed the template. I also cleaned up some dead links on the blog-roll and changed where others go to get to the right place. I have the feeling I may have pruned some or redirected some wrongly. If I did or, conversely, if you want to be over there and aren’t, drop me at email at haligweorc [at] hotmail.