Monthly Archives: August 2007

Few Thoughts and a Recommendation

I’m quite busy  and haven’t been around much lately. I’ll continue not to be online much but I am pleased to see that some good conversations have been going on without me here and elsewhere. As for current goings on, I think the Postulant speaks for me too and I have nothing more to add on that score…

What I will say is this: if you have a chance, go see No Reservations! I don’t normally plug movies because I don’t normally get to go and see them, but M and I got out last weekend and we both liked this one. It’s a good date movie (i.e., no explosions) but is about food and New York (we lived right by the school!). Even though it’s a romance it has a sense of realism about it as well and isn’t as overtly immoral as many of the things Hollywood tries to pass off in the “romance” department… In any case, see it if you haven’t.