Not for the Faint of Heart…

Ok, bls, the last quiz was too easy, huh? Try this one out…

I’ll warn you, it’s a quiz for high medievalists; a lot of the questions are a bit after my time-span. Just over 50% but I’m quite pleased with my showing…

Ye are 57% proficient in medievale trivia.


A fayre shewing. Ye are ful of much wisdam. Sans doute, ye rede a good deal of bokes concernynge the middel ages. Peraventure ye haue much oothir knowlech of straunge thinges as wel.

The Gret Quizz of Medievale Trivia
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

1 thought on “Not for the Faint of Heart…

  1. Caelius

    It’s a quiz for high medievalists with a familiarity with vulgar literature. My expertise is law and vulgar Latin literature. (38%)

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