Category Archives: Uncategorized

Anglican Matters

I haven’t commented much on Anglican news recently. I don’t have much to say about it…except this. General Convention spoke and its collective will is being carried out. No, I’m not talking about B033 or any of those other resolutions. I’m talking about the PB. I think with that election General Convention made its collective voice known that it was ready for a split. Somebody like +Alexander would have been the Convention’s voice for unity; +Schori was its voice the other way. And now events are working themselves out in that direction.

MSM Morons…

Anyone care to explain to me how a major Southern newspaper can run a story on the excavation of the Vatican and state that St Paul was the Church’s first pope?


I know it’s the South but c’mon…

Concert Review

Thanks to Anastasia watching the girls, M and I got out to a concert last night. Overall, it was very good. We caught two acts, the first one of the main Emo groups currently circulated, the other a band I didn’t know of except for a song or two.


The first was good—but strange. In terms of set and outfit they had a minimalist thing going on so everything was white. Except the rainbow suspenders. M nailed it when she said, “You know,  [the lead singer] looks just like Mork…” But with more tattoos. The Old-School Goth in me had difficulty accepting a band dressed in white, but the music was solid and it was a pretty high energy set.


The second was a pleasant surprise. I just knew a few of their dance-y, pop-y songs and was prepared to be unimpressed. Instead, it was quality 70’s-style guitar rock. Very reminiscent of the Stones, the Beatles and having some alternate Oasis and Elvis moments. Style-wise, not a great fit for the crowd; when they started playing folks started heading for the door. Given the composition of the crowd, I figured a lot of them just had to get some sleep so they wouldn’t be late for home-room this morning… Their drummer was fabulous—I was very impressed—and the lead was a great performer who quickly won over the people who stayed. Bottom-line, it was a great set too but in different ways from the first. I loved their show, but probably wouldn’t buy their cd.


Overall, a great night on the town. And Lil’ G apparently had a great time making a mess of things with Kizzy…

Swift Kick in the Ass

I’ve set up a meeting to deliver chapters One and Two to Scary Prof. I think it’ll be next Tuesday. Why the title of this post? Because One and Two aren’t done yet. In fact, since my flash drive died, I’m not entirely sure where chapter One is… So we’ll call this a bit of forced motivation.

Go Figure…

Class was great today. I haven’t talked much about class recently—or at all, come to think of it…  It’s going well and I have a great group of students. Today I tried something I was a little hesitant to do—I gave them one of Æ’s sermons to chew on (SupHom XIa for the OE geeks…). My topic was integration. That is, how does the lit. year fit within our theologies and within those of our local churches? How do we keep it from being an “extra” or something tacked on. Rather, what would it look like if it was an integral part of how we understand the faith? Æ’s sermon presents a great model. It’s a catechetical/missionary sermon that basically moves through the grand narrative following the Apostles’ Creed; the section on the 2nd Article is a rehearsal of the life of Christ as seen through the lit. year. They loved it; I was thrilled.

Oh yeah–SBL

SBL was fantastic. M and I both went to some wonderful sessions. I completely got my world rocked and have a whole new model of Pauline cosmology now. Good thing my diss isn’t on that—I’d have to start over. The best things was seeing people, of course. Hung out with Anastasia, had a great chat with AKMA in the book room, reconnected with undergrad friends. Great motivation to keep working on the diss again…



Slow Monday

Couldn’t find the car keys this morning–spent about a half hour searching even going to the extreme of waking Lil’ G and asking her if she’d swiped them (not altogether an impossibility…). Finally found them in a pants pocket. I so hate the Monday off a long weekend!


Since I couldn’t get off on time, I had to drive in all the way so no Morning Office…again. Short of adopting the patented bls commute-Office it certainly is harder to do it without a mass transit component to my day.


I’m in a malaise. It happens. Still not online much as you may well have noticed. I’m feeling like profound thoughts are in the near future–but certainly have none now…


M and I are planning what we are going to do for Advent.

As Stolen from Anastasia

First 10 on the Morning Random Playlist:

Atmosphere (Joy Division)
Heart and Soul (Joy Division)
Wearing and Tearing (Zeppelin)
Splintered in Her Head (The Cure)
Stairway to Heaven (Zeppelin)
Cold (The Cure)
Love (Anonymous 4/Hildegard von Bingen)
Wake up (Rage Against the Machine)
I’M Looking Forward to It (NIN)
This is a Lie (The Cure)

Tonight we leave on the road trip to DC. Following Fr. Director’s advice, my
main goal is just to mingle and meet people, especially those of my own age
and situation–because they’ll be my colleagues in the coming decades…

So–I’ll be having an Anglican-Politics-Free weekend on what may turn out to
be an eventful couple of days.

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