Monthly Archives: January 2008

One Other Thing…

M and I watched the Johnny Depp “Sleepy Hollow” over New Year’s. We’re huge fans of most anything that Tim Burton and Johnny Depp do together (Edward Scissorhands, The Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd [which we also saw over the holiday], etc.)

That night I had a nightmare about the headless horseman coming after M and myself. But you know how dreams always change everything… In mine he was on foot but accompanied by a big black poodle (?!?) and at one point the headless horseman, M, several other folks and I were standing around talking about what we do. I mentioned that I was finishing up my dissertation and the hoseman soundly mocked me for my lack of recent progress.

It’s enough that I have to put up with that from real people but now I have to take it from figments of my own imagination? C’mon!

Since then I’ve gotten an important chunk of chapter 5 written up with hopefuly more to follow soon…

I’m Back…Sort Of

Hope y’all had a good Christmas as the season draws to a close. I’m back but not really “back”. Things are extremely busy and I won’t be online much. (Except to be loading freakin’ Oracle tables row by row through a PHP portal since my SQL*Loader is messed up…)

Speaking of how hacked off I am at Oracle, I’m thinking that SQLite really should be the hot new thing. And yes, I realize that sentence made no sense to anyone other than computer geeks but there’s a practical(?) payoff—I think SQLite (a small-profile database system) will give me functionality to program a method of calculating liturgical dates that can easily be switched back and forth between different sanctoral/temporal cycles. So moving between calculating a date in the modern revised common lectionary and a 10th century Benedictine kalendar would be fast and simple—and just a click away for a web visitor…

I think my feed reader said I had some 500 items to catch up on and I’ve seen some interesting email to which I’ll respond when able and yes, I’m gonna do our buddy Ælfric Bata for the history meme that Jonathan and Michelle both tagged me for.

Ack… More later.