Yeah, the time stamp is accurate. The movers will be here with their truck in another five hours and we’ll be more or less ready when they arrive. We’re not doing too bad–after all, we’ve gotten a whole seven hours of sleep since Saturday morning. Coffee and Twizzlers: the breakfast, lunch and dinner of champions… Well, 136 boxes and counting; the computer’s due to be packed up real soon so you’ll hear from me next from the South.
I hope the beach trip was good, and let me be the first to say, “Welcome back to Dixie!”
woohoo twizzlers and coffee.
holler when you get home and your parishioners stop bringing by casseroles … wed love to have you over for dinner or take you out.
twizzlers and coffee………mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I’m getting way too old for such moves! Good move, good trip, best wishes!