Whilst poking around websites of churches in my new area (with some helpful pointers from Brian M…) I came across this very nice write-up an a rule of life from an Anglican perspective.
I say “from an Anglican perspective” because it properly begins with the rhythms of Mass and Office shaped around classical prayerbook spirituality, then proceeds from there.
M and I have been talking for a while about a family rule; I’ve been thinking more and more about a personal rule that fits inside of the former. (Actually–that’s one of our key findings so far—a family rule needs to have the openness to embrace different personal rules within it.)
We’ve both been hitting the gym a lot more since our move (more on that later) and I was confronted quite sharply yesterday. I set the treadmill for 35 minutes and about halfway through said to myself, “you know, I’ll just do 30 today…” To be completely honest the change wasn’t because I was hurting, it wasn’t because I couldn’t or shouldn’t do—it was because it was hard and I didn’t want to do. Then it hit me: I’m a physical fitness sarabaite! (I figure that since we’ve joined the Y I no longer fall under “gyrovague”…)
I need a rule and perhaps a session with a decent trainer to help me get it set up—and with the electronic tracking system I know that the trainer can log on at anytime and check my fidelity…
As with my physical fitness, so with my spiritual fitness…
A rule, a spiritual director: both good things—and a new start in a new place is the best possible time to get it going.
Thanks for the laugh on the last post.
I’ve got one to put up building on this one.
As an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross (Benedictine), I’ve lived with a Rule of Life for going on 30 years now. The current Rule for Associates can be accessed here. Most of the Orders and Christian Communities within the Episcopal Church have information on line about shaping a rule, although most will be more specific than what you found in Baltimore. Still, reviewing several could be instructive; and anyway, reminding folks that these communities exist within the Episcopal Church, and having folks consider how they might be called to support or participate in them, is a particular soapbox of mine.
I appreciate the thought about more than one rule within a household. My wife is professed in the Worker Sisters of the Holy Spirit, and while both OHC and WSHS are Benedictine, our rules aren’t exactly alike. However, it is important and a blessing that both of us are living with a rule.
thanks for the references, guys!
and the reflections.