Class was great today. I haven’t talked much about class recently—or at all, come to think of it… It’s going well and I have a great group of students. Today I tried something I was a little hesitant to do—I gave them one of Æ’s sermons to chew on (SupHom XIa for the OE geeks…). My topic was integration. That is, how does the lit. year fit within our theologies and within those of our local churches? How do we keep it from being an “extra” or something tacked on. Rather, what would it look like if it was an integral part of how we understand the faith? Æ’s sermon presents a great model. It’s a catechetical/missionary sermon that basically moves through the grand narrative following the Apostles’ Creed; the section on the 2nd Article is a rehearsal of the life of Christ as seen through the lit. year. They loved it; I was thrilled.