Evening Prayer and Smokey Mary

I’ve been involved in all manner of business over the past few weeks and it’ll be continuing for the next several as well. In lieu of thoughtful content, I’ll offer up a little gem off the hard-drive. Back when I was dwelling/squatting in New York and attending Smokey Mary almost daily for Evening Prayer and Mass, I took some brief notes on how Evening Prayer was conducted there. I’ve turned to this a couple of times recently for persons interested in the public recitation of the Offices, and have been considering posting it here.

Which I am.

So, if you’d like to see how one parish celebrates public evening prayer, here is: StMV Evening Prayer.

13 thoughts on “Evening Prayer and Smokey Mary

  1. renpaul

    I caught a misprint. Somewhere, the Gloria Patri was misspelled. It’s right on page 1.

  2. Joe Rawls

    “Glory the Fatherland”? What would Bonhoeffer say?

    Seriously, I notice no use of antiphons, which I guess is not practical with just the standard BCP.

  3. Derek Olsen

    Well, that’s what happens when an extra “a” adheres itself to “Patri”; you make Bonhoeffer mad… :-)

    There may be some places that use psalm or gospel antiphons in public recitation but, outside of the Order of the Holy Cross, I don’t know who it is or what they use.

    There are the two “official” books, the 1963 Prayer Book Office by Hartzell which was an expansion of the American ’28 Offices, and the Galley ’79 Prayer Book Office expanding the ’79 Offices. I’ve only seen the latter once and had no chance to study it it. I believe these both have antiphons and may be in use in some parishes.

    Too, many Anglo-Catholics like the English Office (I know I do), and it contains full antiphons but it uses the old kalendar and doesn’t mesh well with the ’79 Offices.

    Can any of my readers tell me if there are any parishes in your areas that use antiphons publicly—and if so, where do they draw them from?

    More later.

  4. brian m

    I think you should add S. Benedict’s CHAPTER XLV: Of Those Who Commit a Fault in the Oratory to the top of this pdf. Let the lector beware!

  5. brian m

    Oh, and we used the Benedictus antiphons found in the ANGLICAN SERVICE BOOK on certain holy days when we said daily MP at my last Episcopal parish. We were pretty haphazard about it, and the selection in that volume is rather limited.

  6. Paul Goings


    At S. Clement’s we generally have Evening Prayer on Monday through Saturday at 5:30 p.m. We don’t use antiphons on the Psalms, but we do use a hymn and antiphon on the Magnificat. The texts are the English translations from a variety of sources* corresponding to the use of the Roman Breviary.

    The Psalms are recited according to the 30-day cycle, and the 1944 P.B. lectionary is used, supplemented by Hartzell.

    *Generally either the Anglican Breviary, the S.S.M. Breviary, or Douglas’ Monastic Diurnal, depending on the felicity of the translations. For a few more obscure feasts, we have used a number of other sources such as Bute or the Benziger 1950 breviary, and we have made our own translations in the some instances.

  7. Derek Olsen

    Paul—are those collated into a document?

    I’d forgotten that it included those, Brian M… Thanks for the reminder. Aren’t those the one included in the current edition of the BODW?

  8. brian m

    Derek, the Book of Divine Worship does not include any psalm or Gospel canticle antiphons. It hews fairly closely to the parts of the 1979 BCP that it appropriates for Anglican Use Mass and Office, with no enrichments. However, Mr. David Burt, a former Continuing Anglican priest and current lay member of an Anglican Use parish in the Boston area, has edited an unofficial Anglican Use Office, which basically provides the Rite I version of the BODW daily office, the Coverdale Psalms with their 1928 US BCP revisions, and certain enrichments, including the Gospel canticle antiphons from the ASB and other sources, proper office lessons for RC solemnities and feasts, proper collects for feasts, solemnities, and memorials, and other items. http://www.lulu.com/product/hardcover/the-anglican-use-office/1015433

    The priest-in-charge at my last Episcopal parish had the Galley PBO, and I had a chance to peruse it at length. I was not terribly impressed. He includes ferial antiphons, which can now be found in the Church Publishing Plainsong Psalter, and lessons and collects from the LFF that was current at the time, along with patristic lessons for certain holy days from Dr. Wright’s fine volume, but little else of interest. If one is looking for a PBO similar to Hartzell’s, one can do worse than the one recently published by +Peter Wilkinson of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada: http://www.lulu.com/product/hardcover/anglican-catholic-liturgy-of-the-hours/6009947

  9. Derek Olsen

    The Anglican Use Office is the one I had in mind rather than the BODW. Yes, I’ve had correspondence with David Burt regarding online Offices (as you can imagine…).

    I didn’t know the Galley antiphons were those n the Plainsong Psalter! I’ll have to glance at those again.

  10. brian m

    A while back I corresponded with David Trumbull, who produced the online BODW office at http://bookofhours.org/, and sent him Word files of much of the supplements in Mr. Burt’s volume, which I had c/p’ed and reformatted from PDF. I had hoped that he would plug them into his online office, at least as an option, but he decided that it was best to stick with the ipsissima verba of the BDW.

  11. Geoff

    I don’t know about said recitation*, but at Solemn Evensong & Benediction at St Mary Mag here in Toronto, the Schola chants the antiphons before and after the canticles. Where they get them from, I couldn’t say, though I know that for the Mass they use the Wantage propers (or the Graduale if no translation is available).

    (*in parishes: at Holy Cross Priory they use the Breviary of course, except that the BAS kalendar replaces the 1979)

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