- Favorite line of the weekend. M: “Darn it, Lil’ H, stop eating broccoli and start eating some of that hamburger!” We’ve never had a problem with the girls eating fruits or vegetables; sometimes it seems that’s all they’ll eat. The current problem is that Lil’ G refuses to eat lunch at school because the dishes are processed/out of a can rather than home-made…
- I noted this article on children as accessories. I’m of two minds on this. This weekend Lil’ G was wandering around the house spontaneously singing Cure songs. And dancing to Vivaldi. And chanting the Lord’s Prayer and collects at bed time. I guess the bottom line for me is that the girls should experience our family’s culture and that’s a local culture that includes a lot of varied influences. I think parents dressing their kids in CBGB onesies is only a problem if the parents’ own family culture is restricted to hipster modernity. No Johnny Rotten without Peter Rabbit…
- That having been said, M insists and I agree that the girls wear dresses to church, preferably with smocking, and we insist that our girls are dressed like little girls–not like little teen-agers. The biggest obstacles to this? Disney princesses. Following Belle, Sleeping Beauty, or (worse yet) Ariel, Lil’ G tries to wear anything possible off-the-shoulder which bugs me no end…
I can related on the lunch at school bit.
Sometimes I wonder if teen-agers should be dressed in some of the ways I’ve witnessed…