Anglo-Ninjas et al

Anybody heard about the deployment of Anglo-ninjas who will creep into our houses and churches and steal all of our Books of Common Prayer?

Me neither…

No matter what happens this week in Tanzania our liturgies and ways of being formed around the prayer-book will not change.


In case you’re wondering why +Minns, Sugden+, and Anderson+ (big players in CANA, Anglican Mainstream, and the American Anglican Council) are camped out in a hotel room next to the conference center in Tanzania, the good people at Stand Firm are assuring us that it is because they are team players just there to support their guys. In fact, some commentators said that they’d be horribly offended if these folks weren’t there because it means they’d be leaving their comrades in the lurch.


One hopes that these stalwarts will find it in their hearts to forgive the weakness of others like +Wright, +Iker, +Nazir-Ali for not coming to support their buddies at a meeting to which they had not been invited… 


And in other news on this frigid February day—my desktop thermometer now indicates an outside air temp of 68 degrees…


3 thoughts on “Anglo-Ninjas et al

  1. *Christopher

    Is 68 degrees cold? We’ve had unseasonably cold temps this year, even below freezing, but 69 degrees would be welcome. Cold is 70 below without windchill on the North Slope of Alaska bundled up in parka and bunny boots walking across town to work–I’ll never live in Alaska again–Anchorage excepted.

  2. Joe

    It’s about 7 degrees here in icy ohio. The power just came back on at home after being off since tuesday. That’ll get me to spend more time at the office!

    I love the snow though…beautiful.

    I wish that I could be an anglo-ninja…that would be cool…purple outfits right? Problem is that I’m a big guy (6’4, 320) so “stealth” is out. Maybe I could sign up to be one of those anglo-sumos who are going to eat our prayer books?

    Grace and Peace,

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