Monthly Archives: July 2024

John Cassian from

Breviary Tweaks Continue

I’ve been away from the computer quite a bit as we did our yearly family vacation at the Shore, brightened by the presence of my wife! (Some of you know that in addition to being a priest, she’s also an army/National Guard chaplain currently deployed with her unit; she got to come back and spend the week with us before shipping back out again…)

((Yes, the Episcopal Church does have military chaplains! No, most Episcopalians don’t seem to know this or anything about their work, but that’s a discussion for another post.))

In any case, I have been making some corrections and fixes to the current code, including a fix to a silly mistake preventing a number of saints from showing up. Thankfully, John Cassian is back today, and we get his collect which I very much like:

Holy God, whose beloved Son Jesus Christ didst bless the pure in heart: Grant that we, together with thy servant John Cassian and in union with his prayers, may ever seek the purity with which to behold thee as thou art; one God in Trinity of persons now and for ever. Amen.

It’s got a passing reference to his Conferences, but makes sense whether you’ve read those or not. It doesn’t make him some figure in the past who has one feature for us to emulate (as in the “biographical” collects), but a current companion with us on the way, and–honoring our Baptismal Ecclesiology–acknowledges that our prayers ascend together regardless of any temporal divide between us as we are bound together in the common life of Christ. What a nice little collect! I wonder who could have written it…


I’ll probably put up a page to collect and track the fixing of breviary errors, just so you know if the mistake you’ve seen is one I’m aware of or not. It’s not uncommon for me to miss mistakes that occur in the versions/selections that I don’t pray myself, so especially if you’re a Rite II type, don’t hesitate to chime in!

New Version of the St. Bede’s Breviary

Here is the new version–here within this site:

It’s fully functional, but I’m still finalizing features and aesthetics…

In the original version, a preference code would produce a tailor-made page with only your options. I’ve gone away from that in this version, and use interactive buttons and toggles to show or hide content. At the moment, there is no simple mechanism for saving your preferences, but there are some ways to accomplish this functionality that I am exploring.

There are also a few less options. In the first version, I wanted to enable you to pick anything rubrically allowed. With the growth of other Episcopal Daily Office sites, I feel less of a need to implement everything, and instead am focusing on the sort of traditional enrichments (antiphons for psalms and canticles, hymns, marian material, etc.) that you won’t find in those other places.

That having been said, if there is an option that you are really missing from the original version, leave a comment, and I’ll see what I can do.

Since there’s a fair amount of new code and some new database tables driving things, there will inevitably be some errors. When those pop up, please do let me know and I’ll get them fixed as soon as I can!