Apocrypha in the Daily Office

In case you were wondering, the Daily Office contains:

  • Much of the first four chapters of 1 Maccabees (but none from the other 12),
  • 5 verses from 2nd Esdras,
  • Bits of Baruch 3 and 4
  • Quite a goodly selection from Ecclesiasticus,
  • Wisdom of Solomon gets some readings in there too.

Too, there are the stealth additions—Canticles 1/12, 2/13, and 14.

8 thoughts on “Apocrypha in the Daily Office

  1. Derek the Ænglican

    Job appears:

    Pr 22, Yr B (1:1;2:1-10)
    Sat in HW, ABC (14:1-14)
    Pr 27, Yr C (19:23-27a)
    Pr 23, Yr B (23:1-9, 16-17)
    Pr 24, Yr B (38:1-7 [34-41])
    Pr 7, Yr B (38:1-11)
    Pr 25, Yr B (42:1-6, 10-17)

    I don’t know a current online source.

  2. Nicholas Knisely

    Thanks Derek. Did you do this manually or is there a resource I’m not aware of for it?

    Either way, this is making me think about a series of sermons on Job this fall.

  3. Derek the Ænglican

    I pulled it manually from an index in an old (1996) copy Indexes for Worship Planning, an ELCA resource that was tied to the RCL. It is now apparently out of print and has a demand going for it if Amazon used prices are any indicator.

    But yes, this kind of stuff does need to get online…

  4. Sam Keyes

    Derek, there is also the option to read most of Judith during propers 19 and 20 of Year 2. Unfortunately it means cutting Esther.

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