Category Archives: Administrative

Home Again, Home Again…

Hi y’all, I’m back from Christmas vacations to the in-laws, then a few day in Williamsburg with the family. I have a fair amount of email to be attended to, correspondence returned, changes to be made to the breviary and,—hopefully—topics commented upon here. Of course, duties at home and work compete with the online list so we’ll see how much I get to…

In particular, in this run up to the American Sarum conference, I’m hoping to do some posts to consolidate my thoughts prior to the conference. One of the gracious gifts from my in-laws was Richard Pfaff’s The Liturgy in Medieval England: A History. I’ve read through the chapters on the Sarum materials and am hoping to get something written up concerning his take on the promise and problems of Sarum. I also received a Kindle from my beloved M and, given my extremely limited computer time so far, have been wrestling with the issue of how to get my collection of liturgical PDFs converted into a format that the Kindle can read most effectively. In particular, I’m at work on the 7th edition of Blessed Percy’s Parson’s Handbook in advance of the conference.

So, I hope you all are having a Merry Christmas season and a wonderful Feast of the Holy Name!



Things are changing info-wise. For those of you who actually visit my site and look at my page you’ll notice it’s in flux (again). I decided I just couldn’t live with the font combos any more… Those of you who read by rss feed won’t have noticed a thing, of course, but I’ve got a question for y’all: what rss reader do you use and why?

I learned today that my old stand-by bloglines is going belly-up and I need to find a new aggregator. I’m playing with Google reader but am confused by it at the moment–I’m still used to the Bloglines paradigm. Are there any aggregators out there that let you easily view comments?

As I mess with things the blogroll will be changing. It seems like I’ve been using and pruning it less and less recently and it no longer reflects what’s in my feed-reader. It’s due for an overhaul.

RBOC: Moving Edition

  • I’ve been away for a while. I’m not quite back yet, but at least hooked up.
  • We’ve been caught in a protracted move. We’re finally in the new place but haven’t settled (so it’s not fully ours yet) and are nowhere near settled (we’re still stuck in a morass of boxes and misplaced furniture—and I still have another two storage units to finish emptying out…)
  • Blogging and most everything else will be light until things have settled out.
  • I’ve been having thoughts about the blog, blogging, and next steps which I’ll share as they become more firm in my head.
  • One change that is coming will be a shift of effort over to the St Bede’s Breviary blog. Based on the last update, much that’s over there is out of date, so I’ll be mostly deleting it and restarting. Once it restarts, however, it may be getting more material there than over here—for a time at least.
  • Too, I’ve got two presentations to get ready for in November, and I have no doubt there’ll be a certain amount of spill-over from thinking about those things into the blog.
  • So—I’ll still alive, I just won’t be around much for a while…

Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded…

Neither M nor I have been able to access the breviary this morning from our computers. We’re operating over a slow and limited (at times intermittent) internet connection. However, I’m getting word that others are having similar problems. If you’ve had issues like these, add a comment.

I’m looking into root causes. Tightening the code may help some, but I fear we’re encountering server load issues. I may need to upgrade the host to fully resolve the issue. I’ll keep looking into it and keep you posted.

Forced Hiatus

I haven’t been online much and will continue not to be. We’re in the process of moving but have hit some snags. The place where we’re staying has inconsistent internet so I can only occasionally get on. So—consider this the first part of my summer vacation. I know I have some piled up emails and hope to get through them soon as time and conditions allow…

RBOC: Early Summer Edition

  • The post on infallibility has been started but is delayed. I’m digging through the Roman Catechism at this point and engaging it. Is there anything comparable on the Orthodox side?
  • A rather large post on Changeable Elements in the Daily Office got lost prior to posting. Grr! Perhaps it’ll be better next time around by benefit of clearer expression.
  • I received a very helpful email today from Donald Schell containing papers written by Rick Fabian and Fr. Schell concerning CWOB. As I told him, I’m really not interested in torching straw men; I’d like to engage the best theological case out there for CWOB in order to present the soundest possible response from a catholic position.
  • Early tomorrow morning in lieu of writing posts or addresses, I’ll be running the nastiest 10K in the Baltimore region, the Dreaded Druid Hills 10K. It’ll be great fun!
  • The Diocese of Kentucky is holding its electing convention tomorrow for its next bishop. If you look over the ballot you’ll see at least one very familiar name from this corner of the blogosphere. Let us then pray for attentive listening to the Spirit as the diocese gathers to choose its next leader:

O God, who didst lead thy holy apostles to ordain ministers
in every place: Grant that thy Church, under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, may choose suitable persons for the ministry
of Word and Sacrament, and may uphold them in their work
for the extension of thy kingdom; through him who is the
Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, Jesus Christ our Lord,
who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen.

On Timing

Whoever decided that Kalamazoo should intersect with the Feast of the Ascension was in grievous error…

I owe y’all comments, posts which are in the works, and emails. None of these will be forthcoming, I’m afraid, until after the feast. Except to you, Brandon; the paper should be coming in the next few hours.

Now Where Did That Go…?

I’ve got two book review type items to post. One is the next stage in the blog’s inevitable evolution into the Martin Thornton FanBlog on his Rock and the River. The other is a new book by Luke Timothy Johnson that I’m still mulling over a bit; on one hand it confirms a lot of what I think about how we read and interpret the New Testament (big surprise there…), but even more so revolutionizes how I read.

At the moment I can’t find either of them.

This is a sign that the large pile of books and assorted papers known as my office needs to be reorganized in a major way. *sigh* More later after I’m able to dig out…

Administrative Note on Comments

I just checked the spam filter and items from Christopher and Anastasia got caught there; I’ve no idea why… I’m going to try fiddling with the settings to stop this from happening. If you find you can’t comment—or if we take on a big surge of Russian Pr0n comments—you’ll know why.